Saturday, October 26, 2019

CNG fuel cost saving with water gas.

How to use hho gas, water gas, Hydroxy or hho to save CNG fuel.

The pick up has been successfully converted to water hydrid, i.e water is being decomposed in hydro oxy gas with on demand hydrogen fuel system and mixed in a two stroke engine with CNG,

HHo with CNG is tested in a pick up using CNG fuel:

In many post on internet it has been mentioned that HHO used in an efi car has reduced Km Avg of per liter patrol, reason behind looks that in an E.F.I Engine the fuel
consumption is controlled by computer through different sensors and cannot be reduced manually. So the oxygen sensor senses more oxygen in exhaust due to hho gas and it sends signal to computer to increase fuel and finally it seems that Hho does not
work.So to use it with Patrol in an efi are is bit difficult.
where as in case of hho with CNG there is a nob to reduce or increase the CNG consumption.

That is why Mixing HHO gas with CNG gives advantage, Cng is reduced by turning/ adjusting the nob and that reduced CNG is compensated by HHO Gas produced by Hho kit.

It is a cheap fuel to use in vehicles or in an electric generators.

1- Because of it's burning quality with CNG, Patrol and diesel, it has been tested in CNG using pick up and cars, it has increased about 20 to 50 % km /kg CNG.
The vehicle
was consuming 10 kg clynider/ 170 Km before installing Hho gas kit ,and after installing HHO dry cell it gave 210 Plus km
in 10 kg CNG.
This increase in KM/10 kg shows/tells that HHO has given a saving of CNG i.e saved fuel cost
2-It Burns the fuel going out through exhaust i.e it tries to burn maximum fuel and increase fuel efficiency which results low fuel consumption.

Hho installed in a pick up, adjusted engine rpm by reducing CNG and got Saving in CNG.

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